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Hi I'm Jenny "JM"


I am very much into spending time with and loving my family, friends, helping others, holistic health, homesteading, prepping, connecting with my spiritual gifts, creative ventures and exploring the world around me.


As a young athlete in the 90’s I started discovering that I had complete control over my body. That I didn’t have to eat the things we were told we should eat and the things that were there out of convenience. In high school as my eating habits really started to shift, I knew this wasn't the norm back then for a kid my age. Staying away from certain foods started to feel like something intuitive. Now 28 years later my habits have completely changed and the way I view food and products, in general, has evolved. I'm a very conscious eater and product user. I read every single label on everything I buy. I do a lot of research and get all my meats and vegetables from local farms or farmers markets if I can't get it from my own little homestead.

I’m a firm believer in everything in the body is connected. Every product we use, touch, ingest, or inject has its effect on us. Our emotional and mental well-being and how we view ourselves in this world also play their role.

Often we ask ourselves what is our purpose and do we or will we ever know? What I do know is I try to be a good person. A person with compassion, empathy, and kindness towards others. I am not a saint, I have moments like the rest.

Here on this page, I look forward to posting about products I love or am trying. Health, homesteading, food, and of course prepping! After all, it’s always better to be prepared and one step ahead than to be left behind. I am an avid researcher and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.

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